For girls
"Embroidery Gallery" gladly takes care of the little beauties. We will find Embroidery for the girl for her taste and according to age, type of shape and preference. We can offer you beautiful such embroidered clothes:
- blouses;
- outerwear;
- overalls;
- suits;
- skirts;
- dresses;
- tunics;
- blankes for blouses;
- blankes for suits;
- blankes for dresses.
In our clothes, every little fashionista will look festively walking to school, or visiting someone, or going to a birthday party.
Children's embroidery is special, because often it is passing from one generation to the next, it will always be in photos from childhood and even for adults is an sentimental value of the young years. Therefore the embroidery for the girl must be beautiful, so, let us helps you.
"Embroidery Gallery"- the best advisor in the choice of embroidered clothes for girls, because we have a large assortment of such clothes and high quality products:
- we use natural fabrics, in particular: cotton, flax, batiste and other cloths, sometimes combined with synthetic;
- we offer a large range of colors of our products;
- you will have a lot of patterns and symbols, which will decorate embroidery for girls;
- our clothes are comfortable and does not need special care;
- products that "Embroidery Gallery" offers, can be perfectly combined, for example, with jeans, skirts and other clothes;
- we offer many models for solemn events.
Embroidery for the girl – embodies femininity and beauty. Usually, on such shirts you can see embroidered flowers:
- cornflowers – symbolize life, youth, beauty, modesty and simplicity;
- forget-me-not – memory and fidelity;
- daisies – mean love; rose - is an endless sunny movement;
- lily - is a innocence, purity, birth and continuity of life.
In addition to flowers, geometric ornaments are important on embroidered shirt for girls:
- stars on the sleeves – symbolize heavenly fire;
- crosses - a sign of closeness and rejection of the evil;
- square - a symbol of fertility.
It is important for girl to wear embroidered shirt. Instilling a love o to the Ukrainian folk costume is also important, because in Ukraine every woman is brought up like a person, who save the best traditions of family and nation. And wearing embroidery - is one of the best traditions of every Ukrainian family. In addition, embroidered clothes are considered to protect against negative energy and it is genetic code of the nation.
When you need high-quality embroidery for girls – order it in our stores, on the Internet site « Embroidery Gallery » and on the phone. Our consultants will help you to choose Embroidery and we’ll organize the delivery operatively. We appreciate every customer and do everything to make our customer satisfied. We guarantee excellent service. For more detailed information, please, call consultants of «Embroidery Gallery" by phone or in electronic mode.