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Ukrainian Easter is a holiday celebrated with a special solemn mood and deep traditions. This holiday symbolizes the resurrection of Christ and new life. Ukrainians prepare for the holiday in advance, decorate their homes with pysankas - Easter eggs with different symbols and patterns.
One of the main traditions is the consecration of Passover and Easter eggs in the church on Easter night. After that, the family sits down at the festive table, where the main dish is paska - a special type of pastry with sausage and cheese, as well as meat and fish dishes.
Ukrainian Easter is also known for its folk fun and rituals, such as jumping on the bog, which symbolizes liberation from an evil spirit, or the fun of "cubic" - playing with Easter eggs.
Historically, Ukrainian Easter has its roots in both Christian rites and pagan traditions. It unites Ukrainians from different regions and supports their spiritual and cultural ties.