A new children's glossy magazine “Just One. Kids” was presented in Ternopil. The owners of it are Vladimir and Diana Guryk. They say that Ternopil children are extremely active and talented, there is a lot to write about and everyone should know about them so that boys and girls have an incentive to develop.

“Embroidery Gallery” congratulated the “Just One. Kids” with the presentation of the first issue of the journal,which also cares for Ternopil children and always offers them a wide variety of original embroideries.

“Today we came to this holiday not only with words of greetings, but also to show how we love Ternopil children and how we try to make them beautiful. On the catwalk, small models were defiling in our products. We presented dresses for girls and shirts for boys. We are very pleased because guests on the holiday noted that our embroideries fit the children and make them even more beautiful. We hope that there will be many articles about our new children's items on the pages of “Just One. Kids”, says the owner of the “Embroidery Gallery” Tatiana.